Tuesday, October 28, 2008


这一次回subang,这个路程都是我负责驾车。爸妈也老了,没什么能驾,所以就由我来驾,妈在旁边做军师.这次回是刚好遇到印度人新年,四姐也回,所以就回去小小的聚会. 这一次回,大家都没去shopping,反而只待在家而已. 还好啦,不会很闷,在家一直吃喝,谈天咯!也没什么特别啦!

很快的,三天就过去了,我和爸就驾车回,四姐就搭早上的巴士回,二姐也回了.妈妈就没跟回,她要到过年才回来了. 她还吩咐我,接近过年时,和爸去载她回来,想到那路程就有点怕怕. 四个小时的路程耶..和爸又没什么话题,真的会被闷死. 哈哈...

Monday, October 20, 2008


最近每次半夜都会被无名史的电话而被吵醒。 很讨厌,好不容易才入睡就被吵醒。终于一次我忍无可忍了,我就接了那通电话。天啊!一听,我真的后悔了。。原来是以前的他,他竟然当作喏无其事的和我谈天,那一刻我真的很想挎掉电话。我没讨厌他,而是对他反感了!他说什么,我也只是,哦,哦,哦。。他就说了一个很冷的笑话,他问我知不知道,哦, 是什么吗?我就没答他,他说哦蕃薯啊,他说完就在那儿笑,我笑也笑不出,还好他会做人,说不打扰,就挂了。过后就不断的传简讯给我,我真的觉得他有问题的,突然觉得我真的不认识他了。已经一年多了,我真的不想和他再有什么瓜葛了。我对现在的be很满意,虽然之前有过冷战,可是那时一年多来得第二次而已。我真的希望他不要在浪费时间在我身上了,可是他告诉我,他不会在去找新对象了,我心在想,我已经劝你了,你不找是你的事,我不会因为这样而内疚了。。还是祝福他吧!

*New Life*

I really hope that i have an enjoyable life, the way of joy and happiness around me. Therefore, i went to trim my hair yesterday. Not an impulse for me. I just wanna trim it and make it lighter and make me feel fresh.

Before that, me and him have a cold war. U know how many days to settle down the cold war? Around two and a half days. Its unbelievable for me,because before that it did not happen,this is the serious 1. I hate that feeling. The cold war just ended yesterday. I really really hope it wont happen again anymore forever and ever...cold war keep me away, please! I want a happy life...Cheer Up,babe....i will appreciate it...Thanks God,finally the cold war is ended....

Friday, October 17, 2008

Be patient....

Recently, i meet up a friend at my hostel. Actually both of us also further master study, but then we are in different field so seldom meet up each other.

The first when he saw me,he said: hey saw chia,why u look so old already and u look so tired?
Then i said: really?Ya,maybe because of tired,and always sleep late in night,so i am look old..so sad!

What he said is truth. Sometime i really feel tired. Need to care my study, need to care about him, need to care about my family..so many things to care. Sometime, i am full with my works,but then everyweek still need to go back his home. Actually i dont like that,why dont him come and find me?I have a lot of blame now.

Yesterday, i came to his house, then at night we go to eat dinner together, after finish eating, on the way back home, he told me tomorrow have an wedding dinner need to attend. I very hate people last minutes only told me, i didt prepare anythings, i didt bring my dress. What can i do?So when i heard that i just keep quiet in the car,before that we talk a lots and laughing. Suddenly,everything changed.But is not my fault. He said he forgot to inform me then i said ok and keep quiet there.

When reached home, he asked me izit angry? I said NO. Then he said really?What the hell of him?Then he just straight forward to his computer and do his things. Ok,fine,since not my fault, i wont say sorry. The problems is he just say forgot to inform me, he didt say sorry to me.

Early in the morning, before he went to work,he will give me a good bye kiss and hug hug. But today.....nothing from him. Fine,i dont care anymore. I also dont know later how i gonna attend that wedding dinner...Why everything have to listen to him?

I dont like my lifestyle now. I want something enjoy, relaxing...i need a rest and stop pit.