Hooray! Is time for holiday..sound like very happy. But that is not my happy holiday. During this holiday, i have to do my dissertation homework. What i am doing now, i am not very sure is right or wrong, i just do it. I dont care anymore,because time flies very fast, i cant return back. There was no time for me to do that.
Holiday means that my hostel is empty, there was noone around,everyone went back to enjoy their holiday already. Just leave me. I am so scared. So i have to go to be house. I really dont like. One thing is tiring, because everyday i have to drive a long journey from BM to penang, from penang to BM,somemore traffic jam. SHIT!
I had already stayed his house for one week. Monday to Friday, i wont feel so bored. But right now is saturday and coming sunday, i have to stay at house, sit down in front of laptop, then do nothing. I have to wait untill he come back from work, then only i can go out. It's damn boring ,u know?But he never understood, when he came back already tired, then sleep early,leave me again. I dont know how to describe that feeling. Is not angry..I cant find a word to describe it.
Long time i did not go for movie,shopping....just stay at house, at night go to yam cha with his friends. Going out yam cha? Sound like okay,but i also just sit there, i hear what they said. I think next week i will going back my own hostel, although i am alone,but is more freedom for me.
Maybe we altogether already 1 and a half year, so there was nomore surprising and hapiness. Just a normal!
Now, i just like find no way for me to exit. I am losed and stoped there.