我就以为晚餐要自己"搞定" 了..电话终于响了,原来是我久没见得 "茹花三"(nai nai ),她约我一起吃晚餐咧..哈哈!我们很久都没见面了,数一数都快四个月了(从我生日那天算起)..我还以为她把我给忘了!
"茹花三" 八点就到了,她把她的战车(kriss motor)停在学校里面,然后我们在我宿舍楼下meet咯!过后就一起走路去吃pizza,从八点多吃到十点多,店都快打烊了,我们还在谈天(无所不谈)那种..你们是不是很羡慕咧?
我们还谈不够,nai nai还上来我宿舍继续再谈,可见我们的友谊不会因为时间而冲淡哦!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
preparation for final exam !
I am having my two weeks study week now..This semester i am going to sit for 5 paper in the final,so a bit stress for me..coz now already final year liao,so have to put more effort on it..If not i will lose in second upper class liao..i m just at the 3 pointer,so a bit risk for me...Haiz,hate exam la...last time i still have a roomate to study together but now leave me alone study in my room...actually its ok la,but sometime will feel a bit boring,noone can chat with...study from day to night...i really dun know why malaysia education why want to have exam..
At night,i wait for boy having dinner together lo,then we back my hostel n i continue to my study while he continue online at my room..Luckily,i still can conentrate on my study although he is beside me..He is so understanding me..haha
Good Luck to SAWCHIA final exam o!!!!!!!!!
At night,i wait for boy having dinner together lo,then we back my hostel n i continue to my study while he continue online at my room..Luckily,i still can conentrate on my study although he is beside me..He is so understanding me..haha
Good Luck to SAWCHIA final exam o!!!!!!!!!
那天我妈载我回来槟城,还没回宿舍,我们就先去queensbay shopping,直到七点多。。送妈妈下楼后,回到自己房就开始找电话和钱包,最后才知道原来放在妈妈的bag...当时的我真的很躁急了,就和朋友借电话,这时我才想起妈妈的电话也没电了。那为什么我不打我自己的电话呢???因为我的电话也没电了...真的很胡图!急死我了,眼泪都快流出来了!最后等到boy来,才觉得安慰一点,就用他电话找人,原本打算回selama拿的,但是最后找到妈妈了,原来他们还在kulim highway那边,boy就飞车载我过去,妈妈就在那边等我..妈妈终于第一次看到了,妈妈有和他笑笑..我一下车妈妈就骂我,因为这是我第二次这样子了..哈哈!
那天我妈载我回来槟城,还没回宿舍,我们就先去queensbay shopping,直到七点多。。送妈妈下楼后,回到自己房就开始找电话和钱包,最后才知道原来放在妈妈的bag...当时的我真的很躁急了,就和朋友借电话,这时我才想起妈妈的电话也没电了。那为什么我不打我自己的电话呢???因为我的电话也没电了...真的很胡图!急死我了,眼泪都快流出来了!最后等到boy来,才觉得安慰一点,就用他电话找人,原本打算回selama拿的,但是最后找到妈妈了,原来他们还在kulim highway那边,boy就飞车载我过去,妈妈就在那边等我..妈妈终于第一次看到了,妈妈有和他笑笑..我一下车妈妈就骂我,因为这是我第二次这样子了..哈哈!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
今天是星期日,我原以为会有什么节目的但是一直等他睡醒已经是六点了!天啊!竟然让我等了一整天,我真的好生气他这样子,如果前一天是有做工,我还可以明白他做工累了,要多睡!但是前一天是public holiday啊!而且我还比他迟睡咧!我一直有叫他起身可是他就是不听,让我肚子饿了一整天,他有叫我自己驾车去买东西吃,可是我就是想和他一起吃啊!忍无可忍了,我就去喝麦片咯!
他起身了,他叫我,我不睬他,他知道我生气了,他就用了"taktik"来骗我的谅解..他带我去tambun 吃螃蟹,生嚎!我们两个还有他一个朋友去钓鱼台!
今天是星期日,我原以为会有什么节目的但是一直等他睡醒已经是六点了!天啊!竟然让我等了一整天,我真的好生气他这样子,如果前一天是有做工,我还可以明白他做工累了,要多睡!但是前一天是public holiday啊!而且我还比他迟睡咧!我一直有叫他起身可是他就是不听,让我肚子饿了一整天,他有叫我自己驾车去买东西吃,可是我就是想和他一起吃啊!忍无可忍了,我就去喝麦片咯!
他起身了,他叫我,我不睬他,他知道我生气了,他就用了"taktik"来骗我的谅解..他带我去tambun 吃螃蟹,生嚎!我们两个还有他一个朋友去钓鱼台!
h@ppy hoLidAys..^-^
Today is public holiday (selamat hari raya),boy no need to work for two days,yeah so happy! Today (13 october 2007) is we being together 3months,but no celebration la,we have the time to accompany each other lo...really very fast,already 3months liao..u know,one day,one of my fren ask me,why dont bring him home let my family know him,i just keep quiet,cz i dunno how to answer him..then he ask me izit not confident with this relationship? after a few minutes i nod(angguk kepala)...i think that i really not so confident,maybe it will take time for me to let my family accept it lo..

two buckets of heineken
The whole day nothing to do,we woke up is already around 1pm, he said want go to wash his car n cut hair..we went to one-stop there having our breakfast+lunch--->KFC....sien nia
At nite we went to the "new world park",ate "bak ku teh" with his frenz..i am so bored, cz just knew his frenz,just sitting there n listen what they are talking lo,but sometime also dunno what they are talking..There also very nice, just like a park,many shops and cafe and restaurant there...
The day before holiday, we went to QE2,just have a chit-chat there with frenz..the view at there very nice and beautiful,along the seaview..unfortunately i didt take any nice photo there la,just one picture can show here! actually that day i m drunken la..haha,so embarrass..
two buckets of heineken
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Yeah! At last, i pass up all the assignment already..so happy with that..Before that, always rush the assignment from day till night, not enough sleep..So , now i can sleep how much i want liao..haha
During my busy time, i ignore my friend, so at here i would like to say sorry lo, cz really crazy to do the assignment untill no mood to talk...
Start right now, i will have my study week for 2 weeks, after raya i will go back subang one week then return to penang fight for my exam liao..so enjoy first, bitter at last...hehe
During my busy time, i ignore my friend, so at here i would like to say sorry lo, cz really crazy to do the assignment untill no mood to talk...
Start right now, i will have my study week for 2 weeks, after raya i will go back subang one week then return to penang fight for my exam liao..so enjoy first, bitter at last...hehe
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Gua Tempurung v.s Jiun Birthday
Last week i am so excited cz my ji mui "jiun" say she want to come penang have a gathering with us, (actually she want us help her celebrate birthday)..haha
But then she sms me said that she lazy come, i know the truth reason la, is my fault lo...At first jiun said want to overnite at my place, u know i m so bad i ask her can go nai nai there or not cz of HIM.(berat warna ringan kawan)..Weekend nai nai need to work so inconvenient lo, so jiun decided not coming le...SORRY! If not we can celebrate birthday together, i really feel guilty u know...
Luckily, selama buddies plan to go Gua Tempurung. At first i plan to go with ka farn car but he tell me that his car already got 5persons, so me n ing discuss wanna go or not lo..finally keat lou say OK..so we join them!
Early in the morning, i wake up le then prepare everything n wait for ing..we all meet up at the rest station Sg. Perak.
I feel that very happy cz long time didt together le, luckily we not like strange each other, still fren like last time...haha, am i right, girls?
After adventure the gua, we all feel hungry, we go to have our dinner with economic rice..haiz! Then they decided go to Jusco to play bowling, but then they say go to play games first then girl go to shopping lo, nothing to buy la cz tired ady no mood shopping, but my ji mui "jiun & ing" still have the energy to shopping la..
3 of us stop at secret recipe have a seat n have a chit chat there..me n ing order mushroom soup while jiun order a cheese cake..At here i want to say sorry to jiun, although u order the cake, why i didt realise that is ur birthday la..haiz..somemore the bill is paid by u..haiz..
On the way back home, i am thinking about that, then i ask ing "why just now at secret recipe we didt buy cake for jiun ar? Why didt sing a birthday song to her ar?" Ing also say "ya lo hor"..at that time i just feel sad, so important date also can forget, haiz!....so bad n terrible.
Hope jiun wont mind ya!
Some pictures to show here:
3 of us become "luo tang ji" "Nike & Puma" also get we

Girls & Boys

me capture with my camera first then jiun take capture with her camera..."siao"

Finally we take picture together
Girls & Boys
me capture with my camera first then jiun take capture with her camera..."siao"
Finally we take picture together
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